A Christian looks at te Tiririti
the Treaty of Waitangi

2023 ISBN 9780995133945
Te Tiriti is New Zealand’s founding covenant, providing for united paramount governance of Māori and Pākehā in partnership: two peoples, one nation, one sovereign. This booklet gives a concise explanation of te Tiriti with the aim of encouraging an understanding of it that leads to informed, peaceful participation in the life of New Zealand and its people.
31 pp In Print. Buy direct from:
Amazon US$6.36 & Kindle US$3.87
A Christian looks at Matariki

2023 ISBN 9780995133983
The celebration of Matariki is embedded in New Zealand national life, a Māori tradition recognised in a public holiday. Turning to the Bible as God’s word, this booklet aims to help readers understand the true significance given Matariki by its Creator. In particular, it aims to help Christians worship God faithfully and to engage with their communities in Christ-centred life and witness as the nation celebrates Matariki.
30 pp In Print. Buy direct from:
Amazon AU$8.00 & Kindle US$1.50