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As In Adam Series 3 Front Cover_001.jpg


As In Adam is a series of eleven short booklets contrasting man’s sad in-heritance of sin and death from Adam with the Christian’s far better inheritance of redemption and life from Christ: “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:22. Books in the series are grouped in two themes:


Books 1-7, Getting Adam Right, aim to encourage faithful Christian discipleship by exploring and applying 1 Corinthians 15:21-58 and Romans 5:12-21, key New Testament passages that explain the heart of the glorious gospel of Christ.


Books 8-11, Getting Adam Wrong, aim to encourage faithful Christian discipleship by guarding hearts and minds from common errors in understanding and applying those passages.


Now Available: 

1. In Dust The Men of Death & Resurrection

2. In Adam Sinners by Nature

3. In Christ  Heavenly by Nature


Available as Paperbacks for NZ$11.00* +p&p or as Kindle eBooks for NZ$7.00* from Amazon.


On the Way:

4. In the Spirit Enlivened by the Spirit of Christ

5. In Flesh Living in Christ with a Body of Flesh

6. In the Kingdom Christ’s Kingdom in an Alien World

7. In the Church United in Christ for Life and Eternity

8. In the World Perfecting Holiness in Christ

9. In Freedom Standing Firm in the Freedom of Christ

10. In Suffering Getting Suffering Right

11. In the Garden Life and Death in the Garden


[*Prices vary depending on exchange rates etc.


Born in Adam, reborn in Christ. That is the reality for every Christian – transformed from imaging Adam to imaging Christ. It is a transformation from death to life in union with Christ. In Christ: Heavenly by Nature shows that in this union, Christ makes living in Christ, for Christ, like Christ, both a reality and a calling. Gifted a Person, Jesus, as their only way of life, their only goal, and their only eternity, the Bible guides Christians in the persevering obedience of faith as they walk in the Spirit, fixing their eyes on Jesus.

In Adam: Sinners by Nature examines the reality that each person is born by nature a sinner in the likeness of Adam, but that there is hope for radical new life in Jesus. From the first beat of our sinful hearts, we are all dead in sin, committed to serving self and Satan in place of God, by nature deserving of God’s wrath.  Yet God demonstrates his love for us in this: Christ died for sinners while we were still sinners. God’s love in Christ not only gifts freedom from sin, guilt and God’s wrath to all who believe, but new life in fellowship with God now and in eternity.

The Men of Death and Resurrection examines what it is to be a descendant of Adam the “Man of Death,” in contrast to what it is to is be in Christ, the “Man of Resurrection.” To be Adam’s descendant is to inherit Adam’s sinful nature. It is to be dead like Adam, “bringing to life” the sinfulness and death that images Adam. To be in Christ, the founder and model of a new family line, is to be gifted a new nature. Every one who belongs to Christ is made alive with him, bringing to life the imaging of Christ in the certainty of resurrection and eternal life.

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